Monday, December 8, 2008

Back to the Cold...

My time at home was amazing - too many memories to write down.  But those of you who I got to visit with and see, thank you SO much!  Here are some pictures from the visits:

I think all of your visits are gonna get me through the long winter ahead.  And it's gonna be a doozy!  

The paper and weather stations today said there was a winter storm coming in tonight and tomorrow where we could see up to two feet of snow and have blackouts.  Here's the website to one of the reports:

Sound like fun?  I'm not sure I'm cut out for winter up here.  But, like Uncle Leo said, I'm here and in an adventure - make the most of it and find something to enjoy.  I will, once I get over being terrified of the snow...

In other news, I am getting a new job and moving to a new house!  Let me explain.  I won't be working at Cornerstone anymore (this is the house where all my crazy stories come from).  I'm moving to Lighthouse, which is a level 4 facility that only houses 6 girls at a time.  These girls have substance abuse, mental issues, and have been abused in one way or another.  Rough crowd, but I think it'll be good.  I've pulled a couple shifts and really enjoy working there.  I'll be moving to Case Manager, which will be great.  I'll get to use my degree a little bit more, so I'm pretty stoked about that.  I'll let you know how that all turns out.

I already miss home so much and want so bad to go back.  But I think these new changes will be good and keep my mind off wanting to be home.  I'll take pictures of the snow tomorrow and try to post them in a timely manner.

Know you are all in my prayers and I miss you!


apugirlie2911 said...

your pictures are so cute! I love the one of you and Jon on mainstreet!

Mom said...

I miss you too, but just love Ichat!

Holly Brim said...

Hope to see you soon? Christmas?

The Little Sister said...

I miss you too! can you send some of the cold down here please. It was 80 today. Love you and miss you!!!!