Monday, March 19, 2012

Gym...or Walk Outside?

Today was beautiful. I woke up to snow on my car, but it all melted by 10am. And the sun came out - it was stunning. All day, I was anxiously awaiting spending time outside. Needless to say, it was a LOOOONG day.

4:00 came around, and I decided to take Bri out the road (she's learning to drive) and walk around Eagle Beach and take pictures. Let's just say that God is an incredible artist. Geoff Moore did a song called "The Artist" years ago. My night tonight reminded me of the two chorus' of the song.

"do you love the way
a summer sunset’s painted on the sky
oh how the eagle dances when he flies
and if you find you’re silenced
by the beauty that surrounds us
wait until you meet the Artist

"do you love the way
a summer sunset’s painted on the sky
or the music in a newborn babies cry
and if you find you’re humbled
by the beauty that surrounds us
wait until you meet the Artist "

As much as I complain, I really am incredibly blessed to live here. It is absolutely beautiful! Much better than the view at the gym...

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