Saturday, October 3, 2009

Long Overdue+Downtime=New Post

It's been a while. So much has happened, and I don't even know where to start. I guess that's why I've been putting off writing for so long. It's as if I am at a loss for words...hmmm...

I started teaching preschool sunday school at my church. What an adventure. So the first Sunday was a "meet-and-greet" with the kids and the teachers. I was there, ready to meet some of the little ones. Scared to death...That Sunday, I met five little dudes. Some were shy, but two of them were chatty-chatty! It was pretty funny...I got to thinking that I would have my hands WAY full - and I only met five kids! I thought, "I can handle five preschoolers...that shouldn't be too hard. Heck, I was a nanny for seven kids under the age of five! I can SO do this!"

The next Sunday came. I had spent about three hours in the classroom Saturday to prepare, to get my wits about me, and to try and figure out what I was going to do. Sunday rolls around and kid after kid after kid came in the room. 11 kids later (thankfully I had Seanna there to help me!) we were starting Sunday School. Let me tell you, that was the most exhausting 50 minutes of my life! Maybe not of my life, but surely of my week. Preschoolers have the attention-span of a gold fish. That's not helpful when you have a room full of toys, a Bible story to read, a craft to do, and 11 kids to keep track of. What a morning! It was wild. I'm glad I'm doing it. I will learn a ton!

The following Friday was spend with my friend Crystal and her new puppy Copper. We went on a walk (in the rain!!!!!) and got soaked. When we got back to her house, we made tacos and played games with her sister-in-law. Towards the end of the night, I started getting an itchy throat. I went home and took some meds and tried to sleep. Not so good...

All through the night, I tossed and turned because my throat was hurting, I was achy everywhere, and I could hardly breathe out of my nose. The next morning (Sat) I felt like a train had hit me. I literally did not leave my bed all day. It was horrible. I think I drank a mug of chicken noodle soup - that was it. I debated whether or not to go to the ER, but I figured I had the flu and they couldn't do anything anyways. So I called Seanna and told her I was sick and would not be able to teach preschool (Again, I am SOOO thankful for her! She took it all!) Sunday wasn't much better. I called in Monday to work and only worked a half day on Tuesday. As I am laying in bed writing this, I am still sick and will be going to the doctor on Monday (hopefully...).

People are wondering if it is H1N1. To be honest, I have no idea. I do know that H1N1 is not being tested anymore up here because so many people have it. They are saying if you have at least two of the symptoms, you probably have it. If that is the case, then I have H1N1. But who knows for sure. I'm hoping it's going to be gone soon...

In other news, fall is here - kinda. We've gotten fresh snow on McGuiness and the three towers, and a bit on the other mountain near the glacier - not sure what that one is called...No fresh snow on Thunder yet. So we still have at least a month before the snow hits us. However, we did have our first frost! I woke up Tuesday morning and had to warm up my car and blast the defrost so my windshield would thaw and de-ice. It was pretty crazy. That's another sign that winter is coming...

I hope you are all doing well! I love you and miss you!

1 comment:

Alicia Kinne said...

I hope you feel better!!!!!