...I learned in Alaska!
Well, not really. But close! These last few months have been some growing ones, but in a good way. Let me explain.
1. I learned that there is no doctor in Juneau that truly understands Type 1 Diabetes. They all understand Type 2 very well - half the population has it! But since Type 1 is so different, it's been quite a struggle to find a good doctor. I think I FINALLY may have found one. I was super impressed with her during my first visit...I see her again tomorrow - here's to hoping!!!
2. I learned that going down stairs quickly (i.e. tumbling) is not a good idea. Picture this: Me, in heels, at the top of the stairs. Fast forward about .2 seconds and you will see Me at the bottom of the stairs, sideways, shoes and files scattered all over the place. I have no clue what caused the .2 seconds. All I know is that when all was said and done, I had a sprained ankle, sprained wrist, and a broken middle finger. Talk about an awkward finger to break! I was cleared to take the splint off after 2.5 weeks, which I happily did! Which leads me to 3.
3. I learned I am not a very good volleyball player - especially with a broken finger! Some friends and I joined a team (Lakeside Ladies) the first part of September. Out of the 24 or so games that we've played, we've won 2! But oh my goodness! It is such a fun game! I sit and laugh the entire time because half the team knows what they are doing and the other half has no idea what they're doing. I'm in the latter group. It is so much more fun to play than it is to sit out! (I had to sit out because of my finger for the first six games. I was not happy...)
4. I learned (or re-learned) that singing on a worship team is one of the most fun things to do! I joined one of the worship teams at my church. It's quite different from playing with Linda and Dad, let me tell you! The team we have is still trying to learn how to play together. With Linda and my Dad, we sit down and jam - no practice necessary! But it's so cool. I even got to use sign language! It's pretty amazing to be able to worship the Creator with a whole congregation! Love it!
5. I learned (and am continuing to learn) that Alaska is not my home. As beautiful as it is here, and despite the amazing friendships I have been able to develop, Alaska is not my home. I miss my home. I miss my friends and family. I miss the familiarity of Riverside.
6. I continue to learn that being human means you make mistakes. And I've made plenty! It's heartbreaking to see the people I care about make poor choices, or have other people make poor choices about those folks I hold dear. It saddens me to see the hurt people go through. It's sad to see a path friends take end in tragedy.
7. I learned that even though my life continues to be busy and hectic, that patience is not one of my strong points. I find the busyness helps to distract me, but that I am not a patient person. I want to get out of here. I want things to happen now, and not have to wait on anything or anyone. But that's not what God has for me now.
I'm reading through Genesis right now, and the story of Abraham hits close to home. He was promised to be the Father of Nations. But he was getting old, and he and his wife Sarah took matters into their own hands - they didn't wait for God. That's where I am right now. I just want to take things into my own hands and go. But as I continue to read, I read that DESPITE Abraham and Sarah's decision, God still blessed him with many children - he ended up becoming the Father of Nations. I hold that promise close to my heart. I'm still waiting. I'm trying to be patient. I'm trying to wait for God's timing, because deep down, I know it's going to be totally awesome.
8. Lastly, I have learned there is JOY. This whole blog has been nothing but complaining! Even in the trials, in the learning, in the pain, there is JOY. I look outside and see the leaves changing colors and marvel at the beauty of it. I go to worship practice, and my little friend Zach sees me, runs with arms open wide saying, "WORIE!!!!!" I get to hang out with some pretty sweet teens every Tuesday night. I am sleeping with fewer nightmares! God is good! All the time!
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Stop the World
This summer has been amazing in so many ways, trying in so many ways, exhausting and exhilarating in so many ways. I can't believe it is starting to come to a close...although, if you looked at the weather today, you'd say I was lying (at 10:30am, it is 61 degrees. It's supposed to get up to 77. It is so clear and bright, I am wearing a tank top and flip flops!) But, alas, school starts in two weeks, rain is coming, soon to be followed by freezing weather and snow. Remind me why I live here again?
Linda came to visit for three weeks. It was so sad to see her leave! But alas, I guess real life has to happen sometime...Here are some pictures:

We had so much fun exploring. Linda almost died on the mountain, but I'll let her tell you that story...It was very sad to see her go!
Since she left, I have been doing a ton of sleeping! I didn't realize how drained I was. I was always on the go, stressing about what my visitors were doing, trying to fit things in that I thought they would like to do. I really didn't stop and think about me. Not that I am a conceited person or anything, but I didn't have any down time. If you know me well, you know that I love my alone time. I haven't had true alone time since June!
My small group at church talked about the noise in our lives. Cell phones, radios, TV's, computers, traffic, people, etc. It's everywhere - it's near impossible to get away from. But we also subject ourselves to noise too. Where is God in the noise? Is He in the traffic, in the computer, in the phone? Or are we so busy that we forget to listen for His whisper? Do we tune him out like we tune other people out? I know I have. I've been so disconnected all summer from God - I've forgotten where to find Him - where and how to listen to Him. He hasn't gone anywhere.
Today is a beautiful day. Maybe it's a good day to go to the beach and reconnect with my Savior...
Linda came to visit for three weeks. It was so sad to see her leave! But alas, I guess real life has to happen sometime...Here are some pictures:
We had so much fun exploring. Linda almost died on the mountain, but I'll let her tell you that story...It was very sad to see her go!
Since she left, I have been doing a ton of sleeping! I didn't realize how drained I was. I was always on the go, stressing about what my visitors were doing, trying to fit things in that I thought they would like to do. I really didn't stop and think about me. Not that I am a conceited person or anything, but I didn't have any down time. If you know me well, you know that I love my alone time. I haven't had true alone time since June!
My small group at church talked about the noise in our lives. Cell phones, radios, TV's, computers, traffic, people, etc. It's everywhere - it's near impossible to get away from. But we also subject ourselves to noise too. Where is God in the noise? Is He in the traffic, in the computer, in the phone? Or are we so busy that we forget to listen for His whisper? Do we tune him out like we tune other people out? I know I have. I've been so disconnected all summer from God - I've forgotten where to find Him - where and how to listen to Him. He hasn't gone anywhere.
Today is a beautiful day. Maybe it's a good day to go to the beach and reconnect with my Savior...
Thursday, July 8, 2010
So the last two weeks have been incredible and insane and fun and trying. Let's start with the parents.
Mom and Dad came the last week and a half of June. It was SO fun to have them here! We did all sorts of crazy things - boated to a glacier, watched it calf (spelling???), Ziplined, hiked, played games, and ate out a lot! Oh, and we went halibut fishing! Dad and I loved that, but Mom wasn't a big fan of that...I hated to see them go...there's a reason I've been wanting to go home!!!

Mom and Dad left on the 30th, and my very very good friend Laura came to visit on the 1st! Talk about turn around! The only sad thing about Laura's visit was that it was cloudy and rainy the WHOLE time...literally. But we still had tons of fun. I got to show her around so many places (without the amazing views) and we did the "tourist" thing downtown...We went to Taku Lodge, ate amazing salmon, and got to see a bear!!! We also did Juneau 4th of July festivities, although the fireworks were a day late... It was sad to see her go too - especially since the next day it was super sunny!

The rest of the summer will bring more visitors, but for now I have a little bit of a break. I miss you all and hope that you are all doing well!
Mom and Dad came the last week and a half of June. It was SO fun to have them here! We did all sorts of crazy things - boated to a glacier, watched it calf (spelling???), Ziplined, hiked, played games, and ate out a lot! Oh, and we went halibut fishing! Dad and I loved that, but Mom wasn't a big fan of that...I hated to see them go...there's a reason I've been wanting to go home!!!
Mom and Dad left on the 30th, and my very very good friend Laura came to visit on the 1st! Talk about turn around! The only sad thing about Laura's visit was that it was cloudy and rainy the WHOLE time...literally. But we still had tons of fun. I got to show her around so many places (without the amazing views) and we did the "tourist" thing downtown...We went to Taku Lodge, ate amazing salmon, and got to see a bear!!! We also did Juneau 4th of July festivities, although the fireworks were a day late... It was sad to see her go too - especially since the next day it was super sunny!
The rest of the summer will bring more visitors, but for now I have a little bit of a break. I miss you all and hope that you are all doing well!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Getting There...
As many of you I have a friend here in Juneau (I actually have a lot of friends in Juneau, but this story revolves around one...) who I've gotten close to over the last six months. We have a great time taking her dog, Murphy, for walks, going to the gym, trying all sorts of different culinary endeavors. This Memorial Day, we tackled the biggest adventure: New York City!
The idea started two weeks ago - literally. She began talking about different places she wanted to visit. New York came up. As we were sitting right there, I said, "I'll go to New York with you!" I was actually completely kidding. She said, "You want to?" "Yeah!" "OK, let's go!" Me: "Great! When?" Stacee: "How's Memorial Day weekend?" Holy cow! That's soon! The next day, I ask for two days off during Memorial Day weekend, and my boss actually granted it! I called Stacee and said, "We're going to NYC!!!" The rest of the story goes like this:
We don't have a plan. When I say we don't have a plan, I literally mean we don't have a plan. I mean, we don't have a map. We don't have a place to stay. We don't know what we'll be doing once we get there. We don't know how we're going to get around the city. We don't have a plan. When I call my Uncle Leo to tell him, "We're going to New York and landing in New Jersey (you should have heard the smile on his face) and then tell him we have no plan (you should have heard the doubt in his voice) he actually began to get very excited I was FINALLY going to New Jersey.
As I'm talking with my mom, she reminds me Becky (my cousin) lives in New York. So Becky and I start talking on Facebook. She offers us a place to stay (THANK YOU!!!!!!!) and offers to show us around a bit. Perfect! Our own private tour guide (no map needed) and a place to stay! Bring it on!
So we pack and get on a plane to get to Seattle, still no plan, mind you. We overnight at Seatac (Terminal A has the best benches to sleep on) and get ready to catch the flight to Newark. By sleep, I mean rest - I didn't sleep. With all the lights and the vacuums and people going from one terminal to the other, there was no way I was sleeping.
We “got up” at about 5 in the morning…actually, closer to 4:30 – we had coffee by 5 in the morning. We laughed at how terrible we probably looked from our rough night, but our excitement about New York couldn’t taint our mood at all! We got to the terminal we were supposed to be at, and luckily got on the plane (It was sold at capacity, but a few folks didn’t come, so we got on!). Before we knew it, we were off to New York!
As we were flying, about 3.5 hours into the trip, I looked out the window and saw hundreds – quite literally! – of lakes. I thought to myself, ‘We must be over MN....’ Sure enough, the captain came on and said we were flying over MN, and that we would be coming into some turbulence for the remainder of the flight. Man, he wasn’t kidding.
We continued flying, and I looked out my window and saw this massive body of water! ‘We made it!!! We’re here!’ is what I was thinking. However, our captain came on and dashed my hopes: “We’re now flying over Lake Superior – this is why we have all this turbulence.” They don’t call them “the Great Lakes” for nothing! My word, they were huge!!! And there were Thunder Bumpers everywhere. It made for an interesting ride…
So we arrived in Newark right on schedule (not two hours in advance like I thought originally…) and the adventures began. Oh man. Becky had given us directions on how to get to a place she had picked out to pick us up from. Problem was, we had no idea what we were doing, where we were going, or a map to speak of. We learned that the “people in red” are very helpful. Our directions said to get a train ticket from the airport to Penn Station. Great! How hard can that really be? So we see all these folks lining up at a kiosk that we assume is for train tickets. So we wait our turn, and the man in red comes over and gets our ticket for us and tells us to get off on the third exit, go down the stairs, and get on the train to Penn Station. How hard can THIS be? So we get on the AirTrain, and Stacee wants to get off at the first exit because there is a sign that said, “Penn Station this way”. I tell her to wait to get off at the third. She questions me but decides to trust me (good plan!) and we get off at the train station that leads us right to the train! We walk on, the doors close, and we’re on our way!
By this time we’re giddy with exhaustion and excitement. We’re in New York!!!! And we’re on a real train! With a man who punches tickets and everything! Our directions tell us we’ll be on this train for about 35 minutes, but to get off at Penn Station. We ride for about 7 minutes and the conductor comes on the loudspeaker and says, “Next stop Penn Station Newark.” Crap. Our directions don’t tell us if it’s supposed to be Penn Station Newark or not…not good. I try to call Becky, but she’s not answering. So we make a split second decision and begin to gather our things together. Another passenger looks at us and says, “You don’t want to get off here. Trust me. You want to get off at Penn Station New York.” Ok…I guess we’ll have to take this guys word for it. So we ride on.
We arrive at Penn Station New York (with no idea that we are under NYC…). Our next direction tells us to get a Metro card and get on train E. Metro card, no problem. Train E, a bit of a problem. What I didn’t know was that Becky uses “train” and “subway” interchangeably. Not helpful when you don’t know what you’re doing. So we’re looking for train E. There are plenty of signs for Subway E, but none for train E. So we call Becky, and she confirms that we want Subway E. So I tell Becky we’re getting on the Subway, and we’ll call her when we get to Jamaica Station.
We arrive at Jamaica Station, leave the subway and make our way to the street. Now, being a girl from the LA area, I know a little bit about places that are not safe. The area around Jamaica station was not safe. I There are bars on all the windows, trash on the street, and we are quite literally the only two white people on the street. Plus, we have baggage – we have targets on our backs that say, “TOURIST!!!” Stacee is super excited: “We’re in New York!” I haven’t had any sleep in about 52 hours at this point, and knowing how LA is, I know it’s a bad situation. So I tell Stacee, “Stacee, we are not having fun yet. We need to be paying attention. I need you to walk like you have a purpose, don’t be nice, and pay attention. I will tell you when we are having fun. Right now is not the time.” So I call Becky – she says she hasn’t left her place yet. Not a good thing. She tells us to go get dinner. I’m thinking, where are we going to get dinner? We don’t have a map, we’re in a bad part of town, and have no idea where there is food. Not good. We go in a Subway Station to get sandwiches (fitting, I know) and order sandwiches. As we are sitting eating, waiting for Becky to come, we get many stares (we ARE the only white people…) and a man comes in with a handful of pills that he offers the customers in the store. Like I said, not a good place…I finally call Becky after not hearing from her in 45 minutes. She said that she missed us and is turning around.
Long story short, kinda, We find Becky and begin our crazy adventure in New York…I’ll post more on that later…
The idea started two weeks ago - literally. She began talking about different places she wanted to visit. New York came up. As we were sitting right there, I said, "I'll go to New York with you!" I was actually completely kidding. She said, "You want to?" "Yeah!" "OK, let's go!" Me: "Great! When?" Stacee: "How's Memorial Day weekend?" Holy cow! That's soon! The next day, I ask for two days off during Memorial Day weekend, and my boss actually granted it! I called Stacee and said, "We're going to NYC!!!" The rest of the story goes like this:
We don't have a plan. When I say we don't have a plan, I literally mean we don't have a plan. I mean, we don't have a map. We don't have a place to stay. We don't know what we'll be doing once we get there. We don't know how we're going to get around the city. We don't have a plan. When I call my Uncle Leo to tell him, "We're going to New York and landing in New Jersey (you should have heard the smile on his face) and then tell him we have no plan (you should have heard the doubt in his voice) he actually began to get very excited I was FINALLY going to New Jersey.
As I'm talking with my mom, she reminds me Becky (my cousin) lives in New York. So Becky and I start talking on Facebook. She offers us a place to stay (THANK YOU!!!!!!!) and offers to show us around a bit. Perfect! Our own private tour guide (no map needed) and a place to stay! Bring it on!
So we pack and get on a plane to get to Seattle, still no plan, mind you. We overnight at Seatac (Terminal A has the best benches to sleep on) and get ready to catch the flight to Newark. By sleep, I mean rest - I didn't sleep. With all the lights and the vacuums and people going from one terminal to the other, there was no way I was sleeping.
We “got up” at about 5 in the morning…actually, closer to 4:30 – we had coffee by 5 in the morning. We laughed at how terrible we probably looked from our rough night, but our excitement about New York couldn’t taint our mood at all! We got to the terminal we were supposed to be at, and luckily got on the plane (It was sold at capacity, but a few folks didn’t come, so we got on!). Before we knew it, we were off to New York!
As we were flying, about 3.5 hours into the trip, I looked out the window and saw hundreds – quite literally! – of lakes. I thought to myself, ‘We must be over MN....’ Sure enough, the captain came on and said we were flying over MN, and that we would be coming into some turbulence for the remainder of the flight. Man, he wasn’t kidding.
We continued flying, and I looked out my window and saw this massive body of water! ‘We made it!!! We’re here!’ is what I was thinking. However, our captain came on and dashed my hopes: “We’re now flying over Lake Superior – this is why we have all this turbulence.” They don’t call them “the Great Lakes” for nothing! My word, they were huge!!! And there were Thunder Bumpers everywhere. It made for an interesting ride…
So we arrived in Newark right on schedule (not two hours in advance like I thought originally…) and the adventures began. Oh man. Becky had given us directions on how to get to a place she had picked out to pick us up from. Problem was, we had no idea what we were doing, where we were going, or a map to speak of. We learned that the “people in red” are very helpful. Our directions said to get a train ticket from the airport to Penn Station. Great! How hard can that really be? So we see all these folks lining up at a kiosk that we assume is for train tickets. So we wait our turn, and the man in red comes over and gets our ticket for us and tells us to get off on the third exit, go down the stairs, and get on the train to Penn Station. How hard can THIS be? So we get on the AirTrain, and Stacee wants to get off at the first exit because there is a sign that said, “Penn Station this way”. I tell her to wait to get off at the third. She questions me but decides to trust me (good plan!) and we get off at the train station that leads us right to the train! We walk on, the doors close, and we’re on our way!
By this time we’re giddy with exhaustion and excitement. We’re in New York!!!! And we’re on a real train! With a man who punches tickets and everything! Our directions tell us we’ll be on this train for about 35 minutes, but to get off at Penn Station. We ride for about 7 minutes and the conductor comes on the loudspeaker and says, “Next stop Penn Station Newark.” Crap. Our directions don’t tell us if it’s supposed to be Penn Station Newark or not…not good. I try to call Becky, but she’s not answering. So we make a split second decision and begin to gather our things together. Another passenger looks at us and says, “You don’t want to get off here. Trust me. You want to get off at Penn Station New York.” Ok…I guess we’ll have to take this guys word for it. So we ride on.
We arrive at Penn Station New York (with no idea that we are under NYC…). Our next direction tells us to get a Metro card and get on train E. Metro card, no problem. Train E, a bit of a problem. What I didn’t know was that Becky uses “train” and “subway” interchangeably. Not helpful when you don’t know what you’re doing. So we’re looking for train E. There are plenty of signs for Subway E, but none for train E. So we call Becky, and she confirms that we want Subway E. So I tell Becky we’re getting on the Subway, and we’ll call her when we get to Jamaica Station.
We arrive at Jamaica Station, leave the subway and make our way to the street. Now, being a girl from the LA area, I know a little bit about places that are not safe. The area around Jamaica station was not safe. I There are bars on all the windows, trash on the street, and we are quite literally the only two white people on the street. Plus, we have baggage – we have targets on our backs that say, “TOURIST!!!” Stacee is super excited: “We’re in New York!” I haven’t had any sleep in about 52 hours at this point, and knowing how LA is, I know it’s a bad situation. So I tell Stacee, “Stacee, we are not having fun yet. We need to be paying attention. I need you to walk like you have a purpose, don’t be nice, and pay attention. I will tell you when we are having fun. Right now is not the time.” So I call Becky – she says she hasn’t left her place yet. Not a good thing. She tells us to go get dinner. I’m thinking, where are we going to get dinner? We don’t have a map, we’re in a bad part of town, and have no idea where there is food. Not good. We go in a Subway Station to get sandwiches (fitting, I know) and order sandwiches. As we are sitting eating, waiting for Becky to come, we get many stares (we ARE the only white people…) and a man comes in with a handful of pills that he offers the customers in the store. Like I said, not a good place…I finally call Becky after not hearing from her in 45 minutes. She said that she missed us and is turning around.
Long story short, kinda, We find Becky and begin our crazy adventure in New York…I’ll post more on that later…
Sunday, June 6, 2010
As many of you know, I recently got back from a quick trip to NYC. Pictures are up on facebook, and I am working on a post for the trip on this blog...check back in a few days for more!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
It's been busy! So much has happened, but too much to write about in great detail...
Let me sum up:
-Job = Insane (on so many levels...)
-Preschool = 3 weeks more! Need I say anything else?
-Youth Group = all-nighters, prom, me speaking = AHHHH!
-Friends = doing well - for the most part...A couple are going through some really rough times.
-Family = the parents have adopted two kittens - Strat and Telly. They're super cute!!! I wish I could be there!
-Uncle Leo came to visit! Had fun showing him around Juneau, but kinda sad that it was so cloudy. Looking forward to the rest of that family coming in July!
That's about it! Short, and sweet, but a summary of life these past few weeks! Hope you all are well!
Love you!
Let me sum up:
-Job = Insane (on so many levels...)
-Preschool = 3 weeks more! Need I say anything else?
-Youth Group = all-nighters, prom, me speaking = AHHHH!
-Friends = doing well - for the most part...A couple are going through some really rough times.
-Family = the parents have adopted two kittens - Strat and Telly. They're super cute!!! I wish I could be there!
-Uncle Leo came to visit! Had fun showing him around Juneau, but kinda sad that it was so cloudy. Looking forward to the rest of that family coming in July!
That's about it! Short, and sweet, but a summary of life these past few weeks! Hope you all are well!
Love you!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
News Flash: Easter Beagle Reaches Juneau AK!
I can't remember a time I have ever sat in a full Easter Sunday service at church. Actually, I should say, I can't remember a time I have ever heard and Easter sermon preached. Seriously. I've been going to church all my life, and never once! I love the Easter songs, taking the offering, greeting everyone Easter Sunday. But when the pastor gets up to the stage and begins the sermon, me, my siblings, my Grandpa and Bill would sneak out of church, and the fun would begin.
Actually, the fun began a few evenings before Easter Sunday. My family would go over to Grandma and Grandpa's house and do "the Easter Beagle". Grandpa got bags and bags and bags of jelly beans, robin eggs, and peanut m&m's. We would put some Easter grass in baggies with a note, and then fill the bags with the candy. We got an assembly line going, and made fun of people who were falling behind. Of course, when each new bag of candy was opened, you would "check for ugly candy" and dispose of it right away...I even remember picking out the black jelly beans because Grandpa said they were not an "Easter color". We would spend a good 2 hours putting these things together and just wait for Easter Sunday.
So, back to church - well, sneaking out of church. My siblings, Grandpa, and Bill would sneak out of church and meet at Grandma's car to get the Easter Beagle candy out. We then went around the parking lot and street along the church and hung the bags of candy on the driver-side mirror. It was the Easter Beagle's way of saying Happy Easter! It's a tradition I grew up doing, and has now become part of my Easter tradition.
I am pleased to say that I still have not been to a single Easter sermon! This year I got some friends together, and we did the Easter Beagle! I explained to them the story behind it, and they all loved it. So we got together Saturday night to make the bags - 272 to be exact (as you can see from the picture below)
Sunday morning rolls around. The night before it decides to snow about six inches. So here we are, getting ready to do Easter Beagle at church in about six inches of slush in our Easter best. Not ideal, but welcome to Juneau. We were laughing at the rediculousness of the situation. But we did it! It was so fun watching people get the bags off their cars and look at it very confused.
So I'm happy to announce that the Easter Beagle has reached Juneau Alaska! I'm sure my Grandpa is so proud and laughed at us all morning from heaven. But shhhh! Don't tell anyone - the Easter Beagle is supposed to be a secret...
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Life in the Fast Lane
The past two weeks have been absolutely insane. So many things have happened - some good, some bad. There is so much to write, but I am not going to take the time to write it all...I'll summarize and give you the jist of it all.
Two weeks ago, I stayed home from church because I wasn't feeling well. One of my coworkers called me at about noon. She had news about my former supervisor from Lighthouse. Sonja's body had been found in the water, an apparent drowning. Totally shocked me and devastated me. Although I wasn't super close to her, it was still very sad and heartbreaking. I haven't lost someone in Juneau up to that point...I began thinking of all the lost opportunities and the sadness that her family must be feeling.
Her family came up to Juneau to have a service and to bring Sonja back to Washington (that's where she's from). There are some pretty incredible stories about her family and the conversations we had. Linda, Sonja's mom, told me that I was the only "vibrant Christian" she met up in Juneau, and it broke her heart. She then told me that she would be praying for me. SHE would be praying for ME? She, the woman who just lost her daughter, would be praying for me? Wow...that's crazy.
That same week, I got some sad news about a good family friend back home. It's hard getting sad news and not being able to be home with everyone.
This week, my coworker went to San Diego to get married! So I am living at her house for the next two weeks...taking care of her dog named CHAOS (the name says it all...). So my routine is a bit crazy, but it's all good. I haven't gotten home before 9-10 at night every night this week due to plans and classes. I took a wilderness first aid class over the past three days, and am now certified to give first aid to people in the wilderness...not that I ever want to, but it's good to be prepared, right?
It's been busy, but life is going well up here. I'm really looking forward to the summer when I get to see people from home!
Miss you and love you!
Two weeks ago, I stayed home from church because I wasn't feeling well. One of my coworkers called me at about noon. She had news about my former supervisor from Lighthouse. Sonja's body had been found in the water, an apparent drowning. Totally shocked me and devastated me. Although I wasn't super close to her, it was still very sad and heartbreaking. I haven't lost someone in Juneau up to that point...I began thinking of all the lost opportunities and the sadness that her family must be feeling.
Her family came up to Juneau to have a service and to bring Sonja back to Washington (that's where she's from). There are some pretty incredible stories about her family and the conversations we had. Linda, Sonja's mom, told me that I was the only "vibrant Christian" she met up in Juneau, and it broke her heart. She then told me that she would be praying for me. SHE would be praying for ME? She, the woman who just lost her daughter, would be praying for me? Wow...that's crazy.
That same week, I got some sad news about a good family friend back home. It's hard getting sad news and not being able to be home with everyone.
This week, my coworker went to San Diego to get married! So I am living at her house for the next two weeks...taking care of her dog named CHAOS (the name says it all...). So my routine is a bit crazy, but it's all good. I haven't gotten home before 9-10 at night every night this week due to plans and classes. I took a wilderness first aid class over the past three days, and am now certified to give first aid to people in the wilderness...not that I ever want to, but it's good to be prepared, right?
It's been busy, but life is going well up here. I'm really looking forward to the summer when I get to see people from home!
Miss you and love you!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Snowboarding is...
...SO INCREDIBLY FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went snowboarding with my co-worker and her daughter a few weeks ago. I'm so late in blogging about it because I wanted to wait for the videos to upload - they're pretty hilarious. Snowboarding is not as easy as it looks! I went just before the Olympics, and let me tell you, Shawn White is my new idol...not really, but he gives me something to work towards...
I've never been on a snowboard in my life. The closest thing I've come to a snowboard is a skateboard. Christy used to have two skateboards - one "fast" and one "slow". Christy and I would go to the end of our street to the stop sign, sit down on the skateboards, and push ourselves down the sidewalk, and "wipe out" into the grass at one of our houses. We would do this for hours! It was from these events of my childhood that I got the inspiration for the first video...
Oh yeah, it was great. I spent a lot of time on my knees, back, and face. The hardest part was actually getting up the hill. You see, there wasn't a chair lift. It was more a rope that you hang on to that drags you up the hill (your feet are strapped to your board, so you don't get to move your feet if you loose your balance...). And it did - quite literally - drag me up the hill my first time trying to get up the hill. I held on to that rope for dear life, lost my balance, fell, but neglected to let go of the rope. So it dragged me up a ways, while the lift people below were yelling at me, "LET GO OF THE ROPE! LET GO!!!!" I could not get the hang of it, so the poor ski guy had to hold on to me, run up the hill with me until I caught my balance. Pretty funny...
When I finally made it to the top of the hill (YAY!!!!!!!) I then had to learn to go down the hill. It's not as easy as it looks! "You move by putting your toes forward and heels back." "Bend your knees, point your toes." "BEND THE KNEES! STAND UP!" Oh, it was fun. Like I said, I spent a lot of time on my back, knees, and face.
This video is a little bit better - I actually stay up for a little bit of time...
Snowboarding is pretty incredible. I had a blast!
Hope you all are doing well! Miss you and love you!
I went snowboarding with my co-worker and her daughter a few weeks ago. I'm so late in blogging about it because I wanted to wait for the videos to upload - they're pretty hilarious. Snowboarding is not as easy as it looks! I went just before the Olympics, and let me tell you, Shawn White is my new idol...not really, but he gives me something to work towards...
I've never been on a snowboard in my life. The closest thing I've come to a snowboard is a skateboard. Christy used to have two skateboards - one "fast" and one "slow". Christy and I would go to the end of our street to the stop sign, sit down on the skateboards, and push ourselves down the sidewalk, and "wipe out" into the grass at one of our houses. We would do this for hours! It was from these events of my childhood that I got the inspiration for the first video...
Oh yeah, it was great. I spent a lot of time on my knees, back, and face. The hardest part was actually getting up the hill. You see, there wasn't a chair lift. It was more a rope that you hang on to that drags you up the hill (your feet are strapped to your board, so you don't get to move your feet if you loose your balance...). And it did - quite literally - drag me up the hill my first time trying to get up the hill. I held on to that rope for dear life, lost my balance, fell, but neglected to let go of the rope. So it dragged me up a ways, while the lift people below were yelling at me, "LET GO OF THE ROPE! LET GO!!!!" I could not get the hang of it, so the poor ski guy had to hold on to me, run up the hill with me until I caught my balance. Pretty funny...
When I finally made it to the top of the hill (YAY!!!!!!!) I then had to learn to go down the hill. It's not as easy as it looks! "You move by putting your toes forward and heels back." "Bend your knees, point your toes." "BEND THE KNEES! STAND UP!" Oh, it was fun. Like I said, I spent a lot of time on my back, knees, and face.
This video is a little bit better - I actually stay up for a little bit of time...
Snowboarding is pretty incredible. I had a blast!
Hope you all are doing well! Miss you and love you!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
My Valentine This Year Is...
...Wouldn't you like to know! I'll give you a hint: He was breathing as of 4:30 today when I got off the phone with him...he lives in a different state than I do...Portland to be exact...and he's 93 years old!
A couple posts back, I wrote about this old man I met in the airport named Gery. I wrote to Gery when I got back to Juneau, just saying that I hope everything was alright with his heart and his ribs (he fell when he had his heart attack), and that it was a pleasure meeting him. I hadn't heard from him since.
When I got home from work a couple days ago, I randomly checked my messages on my home phone. I never do this...there were about 12 messages on it...One of them was from some man who sounded really old and who I could hardly understand. So I looked at the caller id (my phone saves caller id's) and saw that it was a "Vandermort Ger". I had no clue who this was, so I thought nothing of it.
So last night Kendra, Andrea and I were having dinner and I burst out saying, "I know who that is!" I proceeded to tell the girls who the "mysterious man" was. Since it was about 8:30 pm my time (9:30 pm his time) I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to call him then. I opted to call him on my lunch break the following day (today).
So lunch comes around and I give Mr. Vandermort a call. No answer. So I leave a message saying that I hope he's doing well and would like to talk to him. He calls later in the day while I'm still at work, so now I've opted to call him on my way home from work.
I got off at 4:30 (beauty of working through lunch breaks...) and call this guy up. He answers! We talk for a good 20 minutes. He fills me in on all he has done since January: "I've taken a lady to the hospital, I'm going to meet my friend again in Southern California, I'm still doing counseling with some couples, and I'm building things." I fill him in a bit on what I'm doing: "I work with crazy people, and sometimes think I'm crazy because of it!" He then begins to ask about my boyfriend again. I laughed and told him, "When my boyfriend shows up, you'll be one of the first to know!" He then tells me, "Laurie, I am so blessed to know you. And I want you to know that the Lord's timing is perfect. He has someone for you. You've just got to trust God that he will bring him to you. You're young and beautiful, it'll happen. Just wait for God. The Lord will lead you. Just listen - be sure you listen - you don't want to miss it."
Wow. Sometimes I feel like I'm five again, and just got in trouble by either my Jansen parents or my own parents because I wasn't listening. It's hard to wait for God's timing! On so many things, not just some guy. I want to move back to CA. I want to have a job I actually enjoy all the time, not just some of the time. I want to travel all over. I want to have a relationship with a guy. But as Mr. Vanderwort said, "In God's timing. Just wait for God. The Lord will lead you. Just listen..."
He then wished me a Happy Valentines Day and said, "Laurie, I love ya. You are a blessing." We hung up and I was left with a smile on my face. Yep, Mr. Vanderwort is my Valentine this year.
Happy Valentines Day to all of you!
I love you!
A couple posts back, I wrote about this old man I met in the airport named Gery. I wrote to Gery when I got back to Juneau, just saying that I hope everything was alright with his heart and his ribs (he fell when he had his heart attack), and that it was a pleasure meeting him. I hadn't heard from him since.
When I got home from work a couple days ago, I randomly checked my messages on my home phone. I never do this...there were about 12 messages on it...One of them was from some man who sounded really old and who I could hardly understand. So I looked at the caller id (my phone saves caller id's) and saw that it was a "Vandermort Ger". I had no clue who this was, so I thought nothing of it.
So last night Kendra, Andrea and I were having dinner and I burst out saying, "I know who that is!" I proceeded to tell the girls who the "mysterious man" was. Since it was about 8:30 pm my time (9:30 pm his time) I thought it wouldn't be a good idea to call him then. I opted to call him on my lunch break the following day (today).
So lunch comes around and I give Mr. Vandermort a call. No answer. So I leave a message saying that I hope he's doing well and would like to talk to him. He calls later in the day while I'm still at work, so now I've opted to call him on my way home from work.
I got off at 4:30 (beauty of working through lunch breaks...) and call this guy up. He answers! We talk for a good 20 minutes. He fills me in on all he has done since January: "I've taken a lady to the hospital, I'm going to meet my friend again in Southern California, I'm still doing counseling with some couples, and I'm building things." I fill him in a bit on what I'm doing: "I work with crazy people, and sometimes think I'm crazy because of it!" He then begins to ask about my boyfriend again. I laughed and told him, "When my boyfriend shows up, you'll be one of the first to know!" He then tells me, "Laurie, I am so blessed to know you. And I want you to know that the Lord's timing is perfect. He has someone for you. You've just got to trust God that he will bring him to you. You're young and beautiful, it'll happen. Just wait for God. The Lord will lead you. Just listen - be sure you listen - you don't want to miss it."
Wow. Sometimes I feel like I'm five again, and just got in trouble by either my Jansen parents or my own parents because I wasn't listening. It's hard to wait for God's timing! On so many things, not just some guy. I want to move back to CA. I want to have a job I actually enjoy all the time, not just some of the time. I want to travel all over. I want to have a relationship with a guy. But as Mr. Vanderwort said, "In God's timing. Just wait for God. The Lord will lead you. Just listen..."
He then wished me a Happy Valentines Day and said, "Laurie, I love ya. You are a blessing." We hung up and I was left with a smile on my face. Yep, Mr. Vanderwort is my Valentine this year.
Happy Valentines Day to all of you!
I love you!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Getting it all out
Thanks for this song Linda! It's great - I'm loving it every time I listen!
As many of you know, there are some changes going on right now...friends' lives are being changed, my surroundings are changing, and there's a lot going on in my head. It's hard to get it all out...
As many of you know by now, I am moving yet again! Hopefully I will stay in this new place for a while. I'm renting a one bed/bath apt from Amy's parents and am SO excited that I finally can have my own space! While living with people have some major benefits, I can't even begin to tell you how good it will be for me to have my own apt. It's a super cute apt, and my current roommate is going to help decorate it. So, for all you that need a place to stay when you visit Juneau, give me a call - I'll have a sweet place! ;-)
One of my roommates is getting married in May. Very excited about that! She's actually walking down the isle to this song, so we've been listening to it quite often...haha! It's been fun watching her and helping her plan this wedding. She is so excited and it just rubs off on you.
My job is going well. I still have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to be doing, but that makes it even more interesting, right? I am continually surprised by the folks I work with and the different levels of "crazy" we get to deal with. It's a fun job, but as always, I'm so ready to move back home!
Preschool is going well too. The past two weeks have been huge challenges: last week I was on my own with 11, and this week I had Shawna back with 15! And for some reason, these past few weeks, the kids have had an extreme excess of energy. We're thinking because it's been so yucky outside, they haven't played outside in a while. Whatever it is, I've been praying constantly for patience with them! They're an exhausting handful, but they're pretty fun too...
That's about all I can talk about now. So many more things are happening, but too much to write in a blog, and some I'm not quite ready to talk about. But know that I truly am doing well, and am making the most of the time I have up here. God is doing incredible things and teaching me amazing lessons that I would not be able to learn in other places or situations. For that I am grateful.
I love you and miss you!
Monday, January 4, 2010
Saying Goodbye
I'm sitting in Seattle Airport as I write this, thinking about the amazing trip home I just came from. So many cool things happened, there are WAY too many to put in a blog. I got to see many of you that read this blog, and that was so amazing for me!!! I miss you all so much!
I've come to accept the fact that Juneau will never be home to me. I'm not sure that anywhere other than Riverside will ever be home. I live and survive in Juneau right now - that's about the best I can say...VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!!!
Travel story...We got to Ontario airport early because of the "extra security" measures that were supposed to happen since the Christmas Day airplane incident. This "extra security" took all of five minutes. When I say five minutes, that's the amount of time it took for me to take off my shoes, slide all the stuff through the x-ray thing, and get my shoes back on. Yeah, there's no extra security...So I had about an hour and a half before my flight even boarded. I sat in the handicap section, and soon there was a man who was wheeled right next to me. I didn't think much of it. I then heard him struggling a bit, looked over, and saw that he was trying to get something out of the bottom of his carry-on luggage (which was on the floor). I offered to help him, which he accepted. As I sat back down in my seat, he started talking to me. He asked me where I was going, and I told him Alaska. He then asked me what I did in Alaska. I told him that I worked with mentally ill adults. He said, "Oh, I kinda do that too. I work with disturbed kids, and try to help them from getting mentally ill." The conversation went on to him telling me that he was a retired minister, just celebrated his 92 birthday, and that his wife had been gone for about three years. He said he was lonely, but that he was glad he got pushed next to me so that we could talk. I asked what kind of minister he was, to which he replied, "Nazarene!" I smiled and said that I grew up Free Methodist. We laughed and he said, "I have people very close to me that are Free Methodist! We are very similar in doctrine - I'm very glad to meet you!" We continued talking, and he asked, "So what does your boyfriend do?" I was a bit taken aback...I told him, "I don't know! I haven't met him yet!" The man said, "What? How old are you?" I told him 24. "You are beautiful, and you're telling me that no man has snatched you up yet?" Again, we laughed. He told me stories about his life, going to Pasadena City College to become a minister after hitch-hiking from Ohio with $138 in his pocket. Seriously, this man has some amazing stories. But every story ended, "It just goes to show that God is good. He takes care of us - all you have to do is trust." He asked what my life plan was, to which I responded I have no idea. He told me, "Here is my prediction: You will be married in three years, maybe have a baby on the way. You will be in some profession helping people, but maybe not what you're currently doing. And I think you'd make a fantastic ministers wife." He wanted my address so that he could write to me, and said, "Please stay in touch! You blessed me today!" As he was wheeled to board the plane, he grabbed my hand and said, "You're wonderful. I love you!" What a way to start the morning!
Got to Seattle about 1/2 hour early. I walked around the airport for a bit, and was able to call a few people. As I was on the phone with Laura, three men came through my gate area, spread out, each of them with a head-shot of a woman. They kept the head shot rolled or folded up. One went to the counter and showed the picture to the woman there and pulled out some sort of ID. At this point I'm thinking FBI or undercover cop (at east in my fantasy world...). The three of them just hang out on the side of the isle, walk near stores, etc. Then one breaks off and meets a police officer walking down the isle. They talk, he joins his guys again, and the officer goes off in the distance, but is still visible down the isle. All of a sudden, the three guys look down the isle, and slowly start walking down, a bit spread out. I'm totally excited at this point, and want to know what's going on!!! I change my position, and turn around to walk. They watch a woman go into one of the restaurants and one follows her in. The other two walk, one on a cell phone. I then see the police officer walking down their way. The woman comes out, and the lead guy shows her his ID and starts talking to her. Shortly after they begin talking, she walks away, and the guys start grouping with the officer. Apparently they had the wrong lady. (Side note, that lady they stopped is now sitting next to me in the plane as I write this!)
So the officer resumes her position out of the way, and the three men walk through the terminal again. They again pull out the picture of the woman they're looking for and go about looking for her. Again they talk to the people at the counter. The counter then pages a lady. She immediately goes to the counter. One man goes to the counter, turns to the other two, and nods to them. (Another side note - I am right in the way at this point, so I figure it's a good idea to move out of the way...) The lead guy shows her his ID and asks if they can talk to her over out of the way (Oh, and the officer is really close also...) They take her away, but still in eye-shot. One of the three guys is still standing a bit away from the rest of them. They begin to look through her bags, and pull out a large zip-lock bag from her bag that have many pill bottles. The lead guy takes the pill bottles and pours the pills out into his hand. They then grab all her stuff and take her into a door to the side of the airport. I figure that's the last I'll see. Oh no...
About three minutes later, the three guys are carrying all her baggage and the officer has her gloves on and is escorting the woman down the isle in handcuffs!!!! Talk about exciting! Now I want to know what it was officially for...Maybe it will be in the paper or something.
Never a dull moment while traveling Alaska Airlines!
I already miss home terribly! Can't wait till I see you all again!
I've come to accept the fact that Juneau will never be home to me. I'm not sure that anywhere other than Riverside will ever be home. I live and survive in Juneau right now - that's about the best I can say...VISITORS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME!!!!
Travel story...We got to Ontario airport early because of the "extra security" measures that were supposed to happen since the Christmas Day airplane incident. This "extra security" took all of five minutes. When I say five minutes, that's the amount of time it took for me to take off my shoes, slide all the stuff through the x-ray thing, and get my shoes back on. Yeah, there's no extra security...So I had about an hour and a half before my flight even boarded. I sat in the handicap section, and soon there was a man who was wheeled right next to me. I didn't think much of it. I then heard him struggling a bit, looked over, and saw that he was trying to get something out of the bottom of his carry-on luggage (which was on the floor). I offered to help him, which he accepted. As I sat back down in my seat, he started talking to me. He asked me where I was going, and I told him Alaska. He then asked me what I did in Alaska. I told him that I worked with mentally ill adults. He said, "Oh, I kinda do that too. I work with disturbed kids, and try to help them from getting mentally ill." The conversation went on to him telling me that he was a retired minister, just celebrated his 92 birthday, and that his wife had been gone for about three years. He said he was lonely, but that he was glad he got pushed next to me so that we could talk. I asked what kind of minister he was, to which he replied, "Nazarene!" I smiled and said that I grew up Free Methodist. We laughed and he said, "I have people very close to me that are Free Methodist! We are very similar in doctrine - I'm very glad to meet you!" We continued talking, and he asked, "So what does your boyfriend do?" I was a bit taken aback...I told him, "I don't know! I haven't met him yet!" The man said, "What? How old are you?" I told him 24. "You are beautiful, and you're telling me that no man has snatched you up yet?" Again, we laughed. He told me stories about his life, going to Pasadena City College to become a minister after hitch-hiking from Ohio with $138 in his pocket. Seriously, this man has some amazing stories. But every story ended, "It just goes to show that God is good. He takes care of us - all you have to do is trust." He asked what my life plan was, to which I responded I have no idea. He told me, "Here is my prediction: You will be married in three years, maybe have a baby on the way. You will be in some profession helping people, but maybe not what you're currently doing. And I think you'd make a fantastic ministers wife." He wanted my address so that he could write to me, and said, "Please stay in touch! You blessed me today!" As he was wheeled to board the plane, he grabbed my hand and said, "You're wonderful. I love you!" What a way to start the morning!
Got to Seattle about 1/2 hour early. I walked around the airport for a bit, and was able to call a few people. As I was on the phone with Laura, three men came through my gate area, spread out, each of them with a head-shot of a woman. They kept the head shot rolled or folded up. One went to the counter and showed the picture to the woman there and pulled out some sort of ID. At this point I'm thinking FBI or undercover cop (at east in my fantasy world...). The three of them just hang out on the side of the isle, walk near stores, etc. Then one breaks off and meets a police officer walking down the isle. They talk, he joins his guys again, and the officer goes off in the distance, but is still visible down the isle. All of a sudden, the three guys look down the isle, and slowly start walking down, a bit spread out. I'm totally excited at this point, and want to know what's going on!!! I change my position, and turn around to walk. They watch a woman go into one of the restaurants and one follows her in. The other two walk, one on a cell phone. I then see the police officer walking down their way. The woman comes out, and the lead guy shows her his ID and starts talking to her. Shortly after they begin talking, she walks away, and the guys start grouping with the officer. Apparently they had the wrong lady. (Side note, that lady they stopped is now sitting next to me in the plane as I write this!)
So the officer resumes her position out of the way, and the three men walk through the terminal again. They again pull out the picture of the woman they're looking for and go about looking for her. Again they talk to the people at the counter. The counter then pages a lady. She immediately goes to the counter. One man goes to the counter, turns to the other two, and nods to them. (Another side note - I am right in the way at this point, so I figure it's a good idea to move out of the way...) The lead guy shows her his ID and asks if they can talk to her over out of the way (Oh, and the officer is really close also...) They take her away, but still in eye-shot. One of the three guys is still standing a bit away from the rest of them. They begin to look through her bags, and pull out a large zip-lock bag from her bag that have many pill bottles. The lead guy takes the pill bottles and pours the pills out into his hand. They then grab all her stuff and take her into a door to the side of the airport. I figure that's the last I'll see. Oh no...
About three minutes later, the three guys are carrying all her baggage and the officer has her gloves on and is escorting the woman down the isle in handcuffs!!!! Talk about exciting! Now I want to know what it was officially for...Maybe it will be in the paper or something.
Never a dull moment while traveling Alaska Airlines!
I already miss home terribly! Can't wait till I see you all again!
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