Linda came to visit for three weeks. It was so sad to see her leave! But alas, I guess real life has to happen sometime...Here are some pictures:
We had so much fun exploring. Linda almost died on the mountain, but I'll let her tell you that story...It was very sad to see her go!
Since she left, I have been doing a ton of sleeping! I didn't realize how drained I was. I was always on the go, stressing about what my visitors were doing, trying to fit things in that I thought they would like to do. I really didn't stop and think about me. Not that I am a conceited person or anything, but I didn't have any down time. If you know me well, you know that I love my alone time. I haven't had true alone time since June!
My small group at church talked about the noise in our lives. Cell phones, radios, TV's, computers, traffic, people, etc. It's everywhere - it's near impossible to get away from. But we also subject ourselves to noise too. Where is God in the noise? Is He in the traffic, in the computer, in the phone? Or are we so busy that we forget to listen for His whisper? Do we tune him out like we tune other people out? I know I have. I've been so disconnected all summer from God - I've forgotten where to find Him - where and how to listen to Him. He hasn't gone anywhere.
Today is a beautiful day. Maybe it's a good day to go to the beach and reconnect with my Savior...
Thank you for sharing that song. I needed a reminder to do that too. Grandma told me today that she didn't go to church and that she felt this song and your blog was her church time. She appreciated it so much. I love you. Thank you for your inspiration.
I miss you too! Had to put all the good pictures up 'eh? I'm glad you're rested up now. Now it's your turn to come home!! About four more months! Not that I'm counting or anything. Miss you and love you!
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