The past two weeks have been absolutely insane. So many things have happened - some good, some bad. There is so much to write, but I am not going to take the time to write it all...I'll summarize and give you the jist of it all.
Two weeks ago, I stayed home from church because I wasn't feeling well. One of my coworkers called me at about noon. She had news about my former supervisor from Lighthouse. Sonja's body had been found in the water, an apparent drowning. Totally shocked me and devastated me. Although I wasn't super close to her, it was still very sad and heartbreaking. I haven't lost someone in Juneau up to that point...I began thinking of all the lost opportunities and the sadness that her family must be feeling.
Her family came up to Juneau to have a service and to bring Sonja back to Washington (that's where she's from). There are some pretty incredible stories about her family and the conversations we had. Linda, Sonja's mom, told me that I was the only "vibrant Christian" she met up in Juneau, and it broke her heart. She then told me that she would be praying for me. SHE would be praying for ME? She, the woman who just lost her daughter, would be praying for me? Wow...that's crazy.
That same week, I got some sad news about a good family friend back home. It's hard getting sad news and not being able to be home with everyone.
This week, my coworker went to San Diego to get married! So I am living at her house for the next two weeks...taking care of her dog named CHAOS (the name says it all...). So my routine is a bit crazy, but it's all good. I haven't gotten home before 9-10 at night every night this week due to plans and classes. I took a wilderness first aid class over the past three days, and am now certified to give first aid to people in the wilderness...not that I ever want to, but it's good to be prepared, right?
It's been busy, but life is going well up here. I'm really looking forward to the summer when I get to see people from home!
Miss you and love you!
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