So, the last few days have been interesting. It's gone from snowing two feet and about 18 degrees outside to pouring down rain and about 40 degrees outside. The warm weather (yes, 40 degrees IS warm!) is starting to melt the snow, so the berms are getting smaller. Problem is, it gets to freezing at night, so all the millions of puddles of water is turning to ice. This, let me tell you, is not fun to walk in, drive in, live in, etc. Who approved this? I am enjoying the warmer weather though (never thought I'd say that...) and enjoying the clear skies. It's getting beautiful again!
Work is still going well. I'm loving the girls and the challenges they throw at me. Monday was a fun day...we had three of the six girls have full on blow-outs - that means they lost their tempers, storming around, yelling, swearing, not listening to anyone, etc. It was quite the adventure. Luckily I had the next two days off...One of our girls is going home sometime this week, so we're getting another new one. This is kinda scary because the house will be "young" meaning they are all so new to the program and will have meltdowns easier. So it's going to be pretty high-stress for the next few months. Be in prayer for all of us!
Other than that, I don't really have any fun stories. Just hanging out, trying to keep connected with folks at home, and trying to enjoy life in Alaska. Hope you are all doing well! Miss you terribly!
Will you PLEASE send some of your coldness down here. No lie, it got up to 85 degrees or higher the other day. Not fun. I love your pictures! I want to come up. So why don't you come up with some way that doesn't involve a boat or flying. ^_^ I know... wishful thinking. I love you and miss you!!!!!!
3 day 'til you're 24! pee poo pee poo ^_^
It looks so cold! Still waiting for a picture of the car =) You should tell the story of the girl who changed her attitude. That's a great one!
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