Sunday, June 8, 2008

We're Going on a Bear Hunt...

A week down!  I can't believe it!  A lot has happened this week, so I'll try to get it all (or most of it) here. 

On Thursday, I went with a friend of Bri's aunt (Pam) whale watching.  It was pretty cool, not gonna lie.  We saw about four humpback whales and they were so close to the boat!  They showed their tales as they dove down, and the guide people gave us all their names.  One of the fun things about these humpbacks was that most of them were born in Maui (my home last summer).  It was so good to hear the guides talking about some of the places that I know so well on that island (shout out to my Maui friends!!!).  Anyways, here are a couple pictures from that.

After whale watching, we went to one of Pam's friends house for dinner.  Here's a story for you:  Her house is literally the LAST house on the road.  So you drive forever down the only road in Juneau and turn on a dirt road.  This dirt road leads you to the middle of the forest to this cottage house (way cute, by the way).  We go in, smell some amazing food being cooked, and start talking to Michelle (the lady who lives there).  She says, "It was so fun today - we had some bears in our back yard this morning!  They were so cute!"  I thought to myself, "Stop right there.  No bears!  I don't want the bears here - not near me."  So then Michelle asks if we wanted to go for a walk.  I politely declined, since there were bears in her backyard that morning.  We had some Alaskan King Salmon for dinner that was caught less than 48 hours previous.  I know, you're jealous, and you should be - it was incredible!!!  So afterwards, we decide to go to Eagle beach.  Eagle beach is this beach where the bald eagles live.  Fishermen take their scraps to this beach, throw it out, and the eagles flock to eat.  So we bring the salmon head and fins and throw them out on the beach.  I'm thinking, "The eagles are all in bed (it's about 9:45 pm at this point - the pictures are also taken at that time - notice the light), and there's salmon out on the beach.  The bears are sure to come, and we'll all be dead.  Lord, help us!"  After waiting for a bit, we go back in the car, and she turns the wrong direction to go home.  Where were we going, you ask?  Everyone (except me) decides it would be a good idea to go look for bears.  Psycho's, I know.  But we did.  First of all, why would anyone in their right mind actually GO LOOKING for bears?  It must be an Alaskan thing...Long story short, we didn't see any, and I got home really late that night.  But what a cool night!

Went to church today.  I've been looking forward to it all week long.  The church I went to is called Auke Bay Bible Church.  It's a very cute church, and I think I'm going to like it.  I have to play around with my work schedule a little bit to see if I can get involved in some of the young adult activities, but overall, it seems like a sound church.  And it has a deaf ministry!!!  I was excited to see that...maybe I can get involved in that...There were many young people there, so I think it's going to be good.  Keep that in your prayers.

Training for work is Monday and Tuesday, and then my first day at the house is on Thursday.  I'm so ready to get started and have something to do with all this free time.  But I am a bit nervous.  I'll let you know how it goes...

Thanks for all your comments, love, and prayers.  Keep them coming!



Mom said...

We're with you Laurie, looking for bears isn't too smart. Have a great day at work!

keast said...

enjoy your first day at work, cousin!

p.s. you know that you secretly really wanted to go looking for bears.....don't try to hide it ;)

aunt said...

you saw free willy!!!

The Little Sister said...

yay bears! you're in a car so the bears won't get you. whale's, on the other hand, will tip the boat over and eat you. you're nuts for going out on the water! : )

lisa page said...

I wish I was related to you so that I could fit in with the rest of the comments, and because you are so dang cool. :)
...why no stories from friday night...???? ;)

ha ha ha ha ha.
much love to you.