Many, if not all of you know by now that I am making a huge move from my home in So Cal to Juneau, Alaska in a few weeks. W0w - it doesn't seem real! I've heard it all: "You do know it's going to be cold up there...", "You'll feel like you're on an island!", "You know that there are plenty of group homes in Southern California that you could work in - you don't have to go so far away". Yes, I do know all of these things, but why not now? Why not have an adventure like this now?
So yes, I am very excited. And yes, I am extremely nervous about moving. I'm leaving everything I've ever known here, my family, my friends, and starting a new life up in Juneau. I will be working at a home called Cornerstone in Juneau with teens who need a place to go. We will get runaways, kids taken out of their home by CPS, and the like. The job at Cornerstone is to figure out what the need of the kid is and place the kid there - maybe a meeting with the parents and social workers, maybe a recovery house, maybe a place to sleep for the night. Sound fun? Haha!
I will be living on the edge of the forest (with the bears, so I'm told...) in a one bathroom two bedroom apartment with my good friend Bri from APU. I've attached pictures of our apartment. I want you to notice if you look out the window, you can see that it is still snowing - in the middle of May! Wait, what? Is that supposed to happen?
I will do my best to put up pictures, stories, and thoughts while I'm up there. Please feel free to email me, call me (yes, we do get cell phone reception there) or drop me a note! Please be praying for me too. I'm excited for what God has for me, but I would be lying if I were to tell you I wasn't nervous, scared, and a bit skeptical. But beyond all those things, I am so so excited.
I am very excited for you Laurie!
Uncle Alan
Reminds me of a Billy Ray Cyrus song
yay bears! i will definitely be praying for you all the way!
ha ha ha. i love it. i love you.
Hey...pretty sweet! I hope you like Alaska...I've been there several times and LOVE it!!!! Keep on bloggin'!
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