So while this is a little late in being posted, I thought that maybe you all would like to hear about my Monday this week.
6:00am: Alarm goes off
6:30am: Actually get out of bed
6:35am: Let Chaos out (house sitting) and go to my actual house to get ready for work
6:45am: Go to Heritage to get coffee for Jessica and I
6:55am: Drop my car off at the dealer to get a 15,000 mile check-up
7:05am: Jessica takes me back to my house to get the Fosket's car to take to work
7:15am: Drive to work
10:35am: Bethanie texts that she is leaving on the plane to come to Alaska (I am so excited!)
12:30pm: Lunch (will this day go any faster?!) and back to the house to let Chaos out
2:15pm: Bethanie texts - she is delayed, but is leaving Seattle now...apparently they need a pilot to fly a plane...
2:00pm: Getting ready to leave work (excitement building!)
2:30pm: Leave work (yay!) and drive downtown to drop off the Fosket's car
2:40pm: Kristy (coworker) picks me up downtown and drives me back to the Valley to get my car from the shop
2:50pm: DeeAnn Wallace calls - they're in Juneau! Begin coordination...
2:55pm: Get my car at the shop, begin driving back downtown where the Wallaces and Jones' are
3:10pm: I am so excited!!! The Wallaces and Jones' are here! Split up into groups, begin driving around Juneau
3:30pm: Arrive at Mendenhall Glacier! Begin walking around and taking pictures
4:30pm: Bethanie calls - she has arrived in Juneau!
4:40pm: Drop the Wallaces and Jones' off at my house for a snack and potty break. I go and pick up Bethanie
4:50pm: I get to see my friend!!!
5:00pm: Arrive back to my house, grab the Wallaces and Jones' and travel to my church
5:15pm: Show them the Log Chapel - they are impressed
5:40pm: Drive to the Shrine of St. Therese
5:55pm: Arrive at Shrine - spend some time there walking around and taking pictures
6:35pm: Arrive at Sandbar for dinner
6:50pm: Eat dinner - amazing!!!!!!!
7:30pm: Drive Wallaces and Jones' back to the docks so they can get back on their boat
7:35pm: So sad to drop them off, but so much fun to spend the afternoon and evening with them!
8:00pm: Drop the car seat off at the Rice's house (Thank you so much!!!!!!)
8:30pm: Arrive back at the house, drop off Bethanie's luggage, and go to Chaos' house
8:40pm: Arrive at Chaos' house. Let her out again. Talking with my friend begins!
11:30pm: We realize it is 11:30pm and we should probably go to bed!
2:30am: Chaos doesn't like the fact that we are in the room sleeping without her. She begins whimpering and pushing on the door to come in. The door is locked and she's getting sad.
3:30am: I've had enough, so I double lock Chaos out of the room
3:40am: Chaos begins HOWLING
3:45am: I move to the couch. With Chaos. And the light (because in Alaska it is light at 2:30am right now)
6:00am: I give up sleeping and get up. Guess it's time for another day!
Hope your Monday was filled with adventure too!!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Sunday, May 20, 2012
New Favorite Blog
I have a new favorite blog...It's called the Welcome Home blog. You should check it out. So touching!!!
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Happy Music
Tonight was a good night. A night of hanging out with the girls and just having fun. Three of my girl-friends and I went out to dinner and then went to part of the Alaska Folk Festival. Let me explain this - it's where a whole bunch of people (some talented, some not so much...) get together in Juneau for a week and play folk music. It's so fun. Centennial Hall is set up with a stage and tons of seats, and you can go in and listen, leave and listen to jam-sessions outside, see people you know left and right. It's just a fun event.
The group on stage only has 15 minutes to play. This can be a good thing, and this can be a very sad and tragic thing. Some people you just want to keep listening to. Others you are glad to see leave the stage.
However, tonight, the best part was outside the main room. Outside the room there was a group of musicians just jamming away. In the group we stopped and listened to, there were four fiddle players, two banjos, two guitars, an auto-harp, a piano, two mandolins, two ukalale's, a juice harp, a washboard, an upright bass, and every once and a while a trombone. Not sure how the trombone fit, but whatever. It was so fun! Someone would start playing something, and the rest join in as they got the tune down. You can't help but smile and tap your feet as they play!
I kept thinking that Linda and my Dad would LOVE this. Wish they were here to enjoy it too!
The group on stage only has 15 minutes to play. This can be a good thing, and this can be a very sad and tragic thing. Some people you just want to keep listening to. Others you are glad to see leave the stage.
However, tonight, the best part was outside the main room. Outside the room there was a group of musicians just jamming away. In the group we stopped and listened to, there were four fiddle players, two banjos, two guitars, an auto-harp, a piano, two mandolins, two ukalale's, a juice harp, a washboard, an upright bass, and every once and a while a trombone. Not sure how the trombone fit, but whatever. It was so fun! Someone would start playing something, and the rest join in as they got the tune down. You can't help but smile and tap your feet as they play!
I kept thinking that Linda and my Dad would LOVE this. Wish they were here to enjoy it too!
Monday, March 19, 2012
Gym...or Walk Outside?
Today was beautiful. I woke up to snow on my car, but it all melted by 10am. And the sun came out - it was stunning. All day, I was anxiously awaiting spending time outside. Needless to say, it was a LOOOONG day.
4:00 came around, and I decided to take Bri out the road (she's learning to drive) and walk around Eagle Beach and take pictures. Let's just say that God is an incredible artist. Geoff Moore did a song called "The Artist" years ago. My night tonight reminded me of the two chorus' of the song.
"do you love the way
a summer sunset’s painted on the sky
oh how the eagle dances when he flies
and if you find you’re silenced
by the beauty that surrounds us
wait until you meet the Artist
"do you love the way
a summer sunset’s painted on the sky
or the music in a newborn babies cry
and if you find you’re humbled
by the beauty that surrounds us
wait until you meet the Artist "
As much as I complain, I really am incredibly blessed to live here. It is absolutely beautiful! Much better than the view at the gym...

4:00 came around, and I decided to take Bri out the road (she's learning to drive) and walk around Eagle Beach and take pictures. Let's just say that God is an incredible artist. Geoff Moore did a song called "The Artist" years ago. My night tonight reminded me of the two chorus' of the song.
"do you love the way
a summer sunset’s painted on the sky
oh how the eagle dances when he flies
and if you find you’re silenced
by the beauty that surrounds us
wait until you meet the Artist
"do you love the way
a summer sunset’s painted on the sky
or the music in a newborn babies cry
and if you find you’re humbled
by the beauty that surrounds us
wait until you meet the Artist "
As much as I complain, I really am incredibly blessed to live here. It is absolutely beautiful! Much better than the view at the gym...
Friday, March 2, 2012
Short blog. Today at lunch, I got a phone call from my friend Zach (and his mom). When I called him back, his mom told me that today something exciting happened, and that they were going to be celebrating that night. "Would you like to come over for a celebration? Zach, want to tell Laurie what we're celebrating?" Zach then came on the phone, and told me, but I had no idea what he was saying. So I asked him to repeat himself. "I asked Jesus to come into my heart! The angels are celebrating!" Then Sheena says, "We thought that since the angels were celebrating, that we would have a celebration too! And we'd like you to come, if you're not busy!" Um, can you really think of a better reason to celebrate?! I can't. We had Zach's favorite dinner, listened to music, and just had fun as a family.
What a fantastic way to end a week :-)
What a fantastic way to end a week :-)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
She's Baaaack!
It's been a long time! Quite a lot has happened in the past 16 months since I last wrote to you all - too much to write about in a small blog. If you want details, you'll have to actually talk to me :-)
I went home this past Christmas, and in talking to my sister (who blogs every day of her teaching week) I decided I should start blogging again. Plus, many of my friends from back home are asking that I start writing again. So here I am!
Life in Juneau is good. It's getting easier and easier to come back to Juneau after being in Riverside, but I still really wish my family was closer. I have a really solid group of friends here that have become my pseudo family - I am blessed!
I continue to be amazed at the beauty of Juneau. It is hard not to grow in your faith and grow closer to Jesus when you are surrounded by his beauty and grace! I'll admit, I still am not a big fan of snow, but it does make things very pretty!
The big event for this week was that I was asked to (and I did!) give my testimony at church during an event that my church calls Renewal. (Renewal is a weekend of a guest speaker comes and talks to the folks in church about a topic...ok, that was a really bad description, but that is essentially what it is. This year's speaker was a dude from Fuller Theological Seminary!) Let me tell you, I DID NOT want to give my testimony. I was dreading it and just unsure of what to speak about. Then I began thinking that I really didn't have anything to speak about - I'm just me - not that interesting, not a whole lot to say, you know...I know in my head that all of that is not true, but convincing my heart of that was a whole different story.
Luckily, like I said earlier, I have an amazing pseudo family here. They were all behind me and encouraging me all the way to when I walked on the stage. My friend Erik was especially helpful - helping me work out kinks, listening to me practice, giving me suggestions, praying for me, etc. I had quite the army with me!
I honestly don't remember anything from when I walked on stage to the time I walked off stage. I brought my notes up with me, but I didn't look at them. I also remember being at peace when I walked up there as well. I really wish I could remember what was said! Here's what I had written out:
I want to talk to you all about God's goodness and faithfulness in my life. But in order to understand where I'm at now, you need to understand where I've been. I was born and raised in Southern California - quite a bit of culture shock moving to Juneau - Holy Moses! I have two great parents who love each other and love Jesus, and who are an excellent example of God's love to my younger sister an younger brother. I was raised in a Christian home; I don't remember a time where we didn't go to church. My family and I are very close. We have had a lot of things happen to us that have caused us to grow closer to each other and closer to God. Growing up, I didn't need a whole lot of friends because I had my family.
But my story really starts when I was four years old. At that time, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Because of that, I had to stay in the hospital for about a week. Problem was that I thought, in my four year-old head, that when you go to the hospital, that you die. I was convinced my life was over. So I asked my dad what happened to people when they died. My dad told me that people who love Jesus go to heaven and get to live with Him forever and it is a really happy place. People who don't love Jesus and don't follow Him don't get to live with Jesus forever. They have to go to a sad place where there is a lot of hurt. Again, in my four year-old head, getting tons of shots and finger pricks every day was not pleasant - why would I want to go to a place where that went on forever? This was not a hard choice: I chose Jesus! At four years old, I didn't fully understand the magnitude of that decision, but God has been faithful in teaching me what that decision means every day of my life.
Fast forward a couple years. My dad was diagnosed with cancer. I don't remember a whole lot of my childhood because of that, but I do remember thinking that 1. Dad was in the hospital 2. People in the hospital die (even though I didn't...) and 3. That my dad loved Jesus, I loved Jesus, and so if my dad died, it wasn't a big deal because we'd be together with Jesus eventually. (To clarify, I didn't want my dad to die - I was 6 years old...this is how my brain worked...) Even in that situation, God was good and God was faithful - My dad is 20 years cancer free and I am doing well with my diabetes. The situations were not good at the time, but God was faithful and did not desert us.
Fast forward to high school. I had a "normal" high school. I know high school is never normal, but it was fairly normal to me. I was involved in volunteer stuff and youth group. But I still just had my family and close friends. I didn't need anyone else. It was also when I really felt that God was leading me to be a nurse. My family history of medical stuff, my love for medical stuff, I KNEW God wanted me to be a nurse. So when I was looking at colleges, I wanted to go to a Christian college with a good nursing program.
Enter APU. Loved college. However, the nursing program was brutal. But I was convinced that God wanted me to be a nurse, so I was going to stick it through. About 2 years into the program, I heard God telling me that I wasn't supposed to be a nurse right then. I responded that God was crazy and that of course I was going to be a nurse! This went on for a couple months. Finally, through a series of events that were none too pleasant, I switched my major to psychology. What was I going to do with psychology?! I didn't want to go to school for the rest of my life - this is not a good plan, God...
However, even in that situation, God was good and God was faithful. I graduated with a psychology degree AND a job! That's hard to do in Southern California. Problem: the job was in Juneau...
I visited Juneau after an APU friend had moved up here. I thought, "I could do this for a year - an Adventure in Alaska would be fun!" Right...Four years later, here I am. My first job was working grave shift and having Tuesday and Wednesday off. It was so hard to meet people and get involved with life in Juneau when I slept during the day and had two week days off. I began thinking that I had misheard God or that I had made a huge mistake - surely God didn't want me this unhappy. I needed someone to blame for my unhappiness, and God seemed like a good candidate.
I went on long walks and prayed and listened to music. I grew to love my walks. I remember praying for two things: 1. That God would send me a friend - anyone! and 2. That God would take away my loneliness for my family (still waiting for the answer to that one...). But God was faithful - he sent me my friends Crystal and Amy. He sent them right when I needed them - He is good!!!
I eventually switched jobs. I now have a job where I work M-F, and was able to get involved in church and start building relationships with people. I started going to Chapel, taught the little dudes, hung out with the big dudes, and joined a worship team. I loved every one of those things - it was a way for me to pour out the love and joy that Jesus had been giving me. He is faithful to provide! He is good!
However, now that I had time and energy to build relationships, when I began to do so, I was getting exhausted. When I get exhausted, I tend to forget to take care of myself, to listen to God, and just forget life all together. But in building those relationships, I now have people in my life who speak into my life - speak God's truth in a way that I understand. He has sent people to check in on me; to give me a verse to read; to make sure I am reading my Bible; to have me over for dinner. He meets me right where I am. Why? Because He promised he would, and He is a faithful God.
Whether or not things are going well or they're not going well, God is faithful. God is good. Always. He is the constant. I have seen it again and again in my life. My hope for you is that you are able to rest in the goodness and the faithfulness of God.
I went home this past Christmas, and in talking to my sister (who blogs every day of her teaching week) I decided I should start blogging again. Plus, many of my friends from back home are asking that I start writing again. So here I am!
Life in Juneau is good. It's getting easier and easier to come back to Juneau after being in Riverside, but I still really wish my family was closer. I have a really solid group of friends here that have become my pseudo family - I am blessed!
I continue to be amazed at the beauty of Juneau. It is hard not to grow in your faith and grow closer to Jesus when you are surrounded by his beauty and grace! I'll admit, I still am not a big fan of snow, but it does make things very pretty!
The big event for this week was that I was asked to (and I did!) give my testimony at church during an event that my church calls Renewal. (Renewal is a weekend of a guest speaker comes and talks to the folks in church about a topic...ok, that was a really bad description, but that is essentially what it is. This year's speaker was a dude from Fuller Theological Seminary!) Let me tell you, I DID NOT want to give my testimony. I was dreading it and just unsure of what to speak about. Then I began thinking that I really didn't have anything to speak about - I'm just me - not that interesting, not a whole lot to say, you know...I know in my head that all of that is not true, but convincing my heart of that was a whole different story.
Luckily, like I said earlier, I have an amazing pseudo family here. They were all behind me and encouraging me all the way to when I walked on the stage. My friend Erik was especially helpful - helping me work out kinks, listening to me practice, giving me suggestions, praying for me, etc. I had quite the army with me!
I honestly don't remember anything from when I walked on stage to the time I walked off stage. I brought my notes up with me, but I didn't look at them. I also remember being at peace when I walked up there as well. I really wish I could remember what was said! Here's what I had written out:
I want to talk to you all about God's goodness and faithfulness in my life. But in order to understand where I'm at now, you need to understand where I've been. I was born and raised in Southern California - quite a bit of culture shock moving to Juneau - Holy Moses! I have two great parents who love each other and love Jesus, and who are an excellent example of God's love to my younger sister an younger brother. I was raised in a Christian home; I don't remember a time where we didn't go to church. My family and I are very close. We have had a lot of things happen to us that have caused us to grow closer to each other and closer to God. Growing up, I didn't need a whole lot of friends because I had my family.
But my story really starts when I was four years old. At that time, I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Because of that, I had to stay in the hospital for about a week. Problem was that I thought, in my four year-old head, that when you go to the hospital, that you die. I was convinced my life was over. So I asked my dad what happened to people when they died. My dad told me that people who love Jesus go to heaven and get to live with Him forever and it is a really happy place. People who don't love Jesus and don't follow Him don't get to live with Jesus forever. They have to go to a sad place where there is a lot of hurt. Again, in my four year-old head, getting tons of shots and finger pricks every day was not pleasant - why would I want to go to a place where that went on forever? This was not a hard choice: I chose Jesus! At four years old, I didn't fully understand the magnitude of that decision, but God has been faithful in teaching me what that decision means every day of my life.
Fast forward a couple years. My dad was diagnosed with cancer. I don't remember a whole lot of my childhood because of that, but I do remember thinking that 1. Dad was in the hospital 2. People in the hospital die (even though I didn't...) and 3. That my dad loved Jesus, I loved Jesus, and so if my dad died, it wasn't a big deal because we'd be together with Jesus eventually. (To clarify, I didn't want my dad to die - I was 6 years old...this is how my brain worked...) Even in that situation, God was good and God was faithful - My dad is 20 years cancer free and I am doing well with my diabetes. The situations were not good at the time, but God was faithful and did not desert us.
Fast forward to high school. I had a "normal" high school. I know high school is never normal, but it was fairly normal to me. I was involved in volunteer stuff and youth group. But I still just had my family and close friends. I didn't need anyone else. It was also when I really felt that God was leading me to be a nurse. My family history of medical stuff, my love for medical stuff, I KNEW God wanted me to be a nurse. So when I was looking at colleges, I wanted to go to a Christian college with a good nursing program.
Enter APU. Loved college. However, the nursing program was brutal. But I was convinced that God wanted me to be a nurse, so I was going to stick it through. About 2 years into the program, I heard God telling me that I wasn't supposed to be a nurse right then. I responded that God was crazy and that of course I was going to be a nurse! This went on for a couple months. Finally, through a series of events that were none too pleasant, I switched my major to psychology. What was I going to do with psychology?! I didn't want to go to school for the rest of my life - this is not a good plan, God...
However, even in that situation, God was good and God was faithful. I graduated with a psychology degree AND a job! That's hard to do in Southern California. Problem: the job was in Juneau...
I visited Juneau after an APU friend had moved up here. I thought, "I could do this for a year - an Adventure in Alaska would be fun!" Right...Four years later, here I am. My first job was working grave shift and having Tuesday and Wednesday off. It was so hard to meet people and get involved with life in Juneau when I slept during the day and had two week days off. I began thinking that I had misheard God or that I had made a huge mistake - surely God didn't want me this unhappy. I needed someone to blame for my unhappiness, and God seemed like a good candidate.
I went on long walks and prayed and listened to music. I grew to love my walks. I remember praying for two things: 1. That God would send me a friend - anyone! and 2. That God would take away my loneliness for my family (still waiting for the answer to that one...). But God was faithful - he sent me my friends Crystal and Amy. He sent them right when I needed them - He is good!!!
I eventually switched jobs. I now have a job where I work M-F, and was able to get involved in church and start building relationships with people. I started going to Chapel, taught the little dudes, hung out with the big dudes, and joined a worship team. I loved every one of those things - it was a way for me to pour out the love and joy that Jesus had been giving me. He is faithful to provide! He is good!
However, now that I had time and energy to build relationships, when I began to do so, I was getting exhausted. When I get exhausted, I tend to forget to take care of myself, to listen to God, and just forget life all together. But in building those relationships, I now have people in my life who speak into my life - speak God's truth in a way that I understand. He has sent people to check in on me; to give me a verse to read; to make sure I am reading my Bible; to have me over for dinner. He meets me right where I am. Why? Because He promised he would, and He is a faithful God.
Whether or not things are going well or they're not going well, God is faithful. God is good. Always. He is the constant. I have seen it again and again in my life. My hope for you is that you are able to rest in the goodness and the faithfulness of God.
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